Canesten Hydrocortisone HC Athletes Foot Cream 15g UK Pharmacy


Canesten Hydrocortisone is used to treat athlete’s foot and fungal sweat rash when there are additional symptoms of inflammation (such as swelling, redness and itching).

Canesten Hydrocortisone treats the fungal skin infection and reduces the swelling and itching caused by it.

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Canesten Hydrocortisone Athletes Foot Cream 15g

What is Canesten Hydrocortisone Cream?

Canesten Hydrocortisone is used to treat athlete’s foot and fungal sweat rash when there are additional symptoms of inflammation (such as swelling, redness and itching).

Canesten Hydrocortisone treats the fungal skin infection and reduces the swelling and itching caused by it.

The active substances in Canesten Hydrocortisone are clotrimazole and hydrocortisone acetate. Clotrimazole belongs to a group of medicines called imidazoles, which destroy the fungi and some bacteria that cause skin infections. Hydrocortisone acetate is a mild steroid which reduces swelling, redness and itching associated with inflammation of the skin.

What are fungal infections?

Fungal infections are very common and affect many people. Two of the most common fungal skin infections include athlete’s foot and sweat rash.

There are two main types of fungal infection:

The tinea group, also known as dermatophytes.

The candida group, also known as yeasts.

The tinea group includes athlete’s foot which is easily spread by contact. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot usually lives harmlessly on our skin and in our environment. The natural balance that normally keeps it under control can be upset by factors such as damp, moist conditions. This could happen, for example, through regularly wearing training shoes that keep the feet hot and sweaty. Since this fungus is contagious, it can also often be picked up in changing rooms. The main symptom is an itchy, scaly and irritating rash.

The candida group can be responsible for conditions such as sweat rash. Sweat rash can appear anywhere on the body but is more likely to occur where folds of skin rub against each other, such as: under the breasts, under arms, around the groin and on the back. Candida is a yeast-like fungus that usually lives harmlessly on our skin. However, the natural balance that normally keeps it under control can be upset by factors such as sweating, tight or synthetic clothing and cosmetic preparations such as bath additives. When levels of the yeast increase, the skin can develop the following symptoms: persistent burning and itching, soreness and a variety of patches or blemishes as well as a softened and soggy appearance.

How to use Canesten Hydrocortisone Cream

Before use, pierce the tube seal by inverting the cap over the end of the tube and press.

If the feet are infected, they should be washed and dried thoroughly, especially between the toes, before applying the cream.

Canesten Hydrocortisone should be applied thinly and evenly to the affected areas twice daily and rubbed in gently. Approximately 1cm of cream per application should be enough.

Do not cover the area being treated with a dressing or bandage.

As with all products containing hydrocortisone, you should wash your hands immediately after applying the cream.

The symptoms of a skin infection, such as itching or soreness should improve within a few days of treatment although signs such as redness and scaling may take longer to disappear. If the symptoms persist or do not start to improve after seven days, consult your doctor.

You can help the treatment to work if you follow these simple self-help tips:

Although the infected area will itch, try not to scratch. Scratching will damage the surface of the skin and cause the infection to spread further.

Keep the affected skin areas clean.

Pay particular attention to drying the skin, but avoid excessive rubbing.

Do not share towels, bath mats, etc. with other people as you could spread the infection to them.

Always wash your hands after treating the infection to prevent it from spreading.

If you have athlete’s foot:

Remember to dry the skin between the toes thoroughly.

Wash your socks, stockings and tights thoroughly in hot water to remove any shed skin or fungal spores.

Change your footwear daily if possible.

What does Canesten Hydrocortisone Cream contain?

The active substances are clotrimazole and hydrocortisone acetate. Each gram of cream contains 10mg clotrimazole and 11.2mg hydrocortisone acetate (equivalent to 10mg hydrocortisone).

**As a registered pharmacy it is a legal requirement to ensure the supply of this medicine is appropriate for the intended recipient. Therefore, once the order has been received, a qualified person will be in contact to cover some information regarding the use of this medicine. Please answer all questions truthfully to your knowledge and as soon as possible to allow us to get your item to you as soon as possible. If unsure about the use of this item please do not hesitate to get in touch with the pharmacy team.**


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