E45 Itch Relief Cream – 50g

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E45 Itch Relief Cream is a non-greasy moisturiser that can soothe the skin and leave it feeling calm and comfortable. This product is dermatologically tested to be suitable for the treatment of dry skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and pruritus.

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What is E45 Itch Relief Cream?

E45 Itch Relief Cream is a non-greasy moisturiser that can soothe the skin and leave it feeling calm and comfortable. This product is dermatologically tested to be suitable for the treatment of dry skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and pruritus.


What causes dry skin?

Many factors can cause dry skin including:

  • Weather– when temperatures and humidity levels plummet, it can cause our skin to lose moisture.
  • Heat– central heating, fireplaces and heaters all reduce humidity and dry your skin out.
  • Hot baths and showers– taking long hot showers or baths can cause dry skin.
  • Swimming– spending a long time in chlorinated pools can strip our skin of its natural oils and cause dry skin.
  • Harsh soaps and detergents many soaps, detergents and shampoos strip moisture from your skin as they are formulated to remove oil.


Conditions that cause dry skin

Dry skin can also be caused by some long-term skin conditions.


A long-term skin condition that makes the skin itchy, red, dry and cracked. It can affect any part of the body, but commonly affects:

  • The backs or fronts of the knees
  • Outside or inside the elbows
  • Around the neck, hands, cheeks or scalp


This condition causes flaky red patches of skin that are covered in silver scales. These patches usually appear on the elbows, knees and the lower back and can be itchy or sore. Those who have psoriasis usually have periods with little to no symptoms, followed by periods when symptoms are more severe.


Also known as itchy skin, pruritus is common in older adults as skin tends to become drier with age and can be caused or worsened by dry skin. Common symptoms of this skin condition include:

  • Redness
  • Bumps, spots or blisters
  • Dry, cracked skin
  • Leathery or scaly skin


The dangers of scratching

One important step you can take to help ease symptoms and prevent further problems caused by dry skin is to not scratch the affected area. Eczema and other dry skin conditions can often be itchy and scratching this area can be tempting, but scratching can damage the skin, which can often cause these conditions to worsen. The skin can eventually thicken into leathery areas due to excessive scratching. Scratching can also cause bleeding which increases the risk of your skin becoming infected or scarred.


How can E45 cream help dry, itchy skin?

This itch relieve cream contains, Lauromacrogols, which treats and soothes the itching caused by eczema and other dry skin conditions. Lauromacrogols has topical anaesthetic which provides relief from itchy skin when this product is applied. E45 Itch Relief Cream is formulated with Urea, a moisturiser that is naturally found in the skin. Urea helps the skin to retain moisture to keep it hydrated. These two ingredients work together to soothe the skin and keep it comfortable whilst providing hydration for up to 24 hours. This product is perfume-free and dermatologically tested to be suitable for treating dry skin and symptoms of dry skin conditions.


How to use E45 Itch Relief Cream

This product is for external use only. The formula is gentle enough to be used on all ages, from babies to the elderly. Before use, check that the tube seal is intact before first use, then remove it. Apply the cream to the affected skin 2 times a day. If you have not previously been diagnosed with a skin condition and you are suffering from persistent dry or itchy skin or the symptoms of a previously diagnosed skin condition worsens, seek advice from your GP or pharmacist.


When NOT to use this product

Do NOT use this product if you are allergic to any of the listed ingredients (see product tab for full list). This E45 cream is NOT to be used on acutely red, oozing, infected or inflamed skin. If you are breastfeeding, do not apply to breasts immediately before breastfeeding and always seek medical advice before taking any new medication or new pharmaceutical product.


Side effects

Although E45 Itch Relief Cream is usually well-tolerated, side effects still can occur for some people. Discontinue use immediately and seek medical advice from your doctor if you experience:

  • A burning sensation
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Pus
  • Any sign of an allergic reaction, e.g. swelling

Important Information

This product is a medicine; make sure to speak to your doctor or pharmacist before taking this product if you have an underlying medical problem or are taking any other medicine or complementary therapy. If your symptoms get worse or continue after taking this product, contact us or your doctor. For medical services in your area, please refer to https://www.nhs.uk

If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, speak to your doctor or our pharmacist before taking this product. If you suffer from any allergies, ask your doctor or our pharmacist if this medicine is right for you.

Store all medicines out of sight and reach of children.

Please read the included leaflet carefully before using this product.

Please contact your GP if appropriate regarding this product.


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